The detailed function of this Assembly is set out in the LI 1614 of 1995. The execution of these laudable functions such as provision of socio-economic services requires efficient and effective mobilization and utilization of material, human and financial resources to improve the lives of the residents of the metropolis.
The following objectives derived from strategies designed to fulfill the above-stated mission were pursued during the period.
1 Ensuring efficient service delivery, staff reorientation, co-ordination of departmental activities as well as client feedback information on the Assembly's performance.
2 Enhancing the planning, budgeting and project execution role of the Assembly
3 Controlling haphazard land development and provision of basic social physical infrastructure - education and health facilities.
4 Improving environmental sanitation conditions through sound waste management practices;
5 Mobilizing revenue and ensuring that expenditure lagged behind revenue.
6 Promotion of civic participation and transparency in local governance and information sharing through the operationalisation of the satellite structures of the Assembly- Sub-Metros Councils, Town Councils and Unit Committees.
The following long-term objectives were also pursed;
7 Developing human resource through increased access to good/quality education
8 Ensuring a healthy population through efficiency and increase public access to health delivery, and the implementation of public health programme especially, child immunization and HIV/AIDS control.
9 Sustaining agricultural extension service and making financial credit and form/agricultural inputs available to farmers for increased food production; and above all
10 Provide adequate security to people and property in the metropolitan areas.