The Planning Unit of the Assembly performs the following functions and responsibilities:
Serves as the secretariat of the Metropolitan Planning and Coordinating Unit. The MPCU is the hub for coordinating all programmes, projects and activities of all the departments and units of the Assembly including the Decentralised departments. Minutes of the monthly meetings of the MPCU are prepared by the unit.
The unit is responsible for building the data base of the Assembly. This includes the collection of baseline data, the updating of existing data, the analysis and synthesis of data for planning and other decisions.
The unit is also responsible for the preparation of Medium Term Development plans like the MTEF strategic plan, 5-year Medium Term Development Plans based on guidelines issued from the NDPC, MLGRDE and other national institutions.
The unit is responsible for the preparation of the annual action plans of the Assembly. This normally is a collation of all the various plans and programmes of all the units of the Assembly in a particular year. Prioritizing development programmes for execution is also a major duty of the unit. Annual procurement plans are also prepared by the unit.
The preparation of investment proposals and the identification of investment opportunities is also a major responsibility of the unit.
In conjunction with the Budget unit, the unit is responsible for the provision of major inputs in preparing the annual budget and supplementary estimates of the Assembly including revenue projections.
The unit takes the lead in the monitoring and evaluation of development projects of the Assembly including Donor funded programmes and projects. In this regard the unit issues on-the-spot, monthly, quarterly and annual monitoring/progress reports on all programmes and projects of the Assembly. Also, the endorsement of payment certificates for work executed is a major responsibility of the unit.
The unit serves as the support unit for the Development Planning Sub-Committee of the Assembly and also assists the Finance and Administration, and Works Sub-Committees.
The Coordination of Sister City programmes and other Bilateral engagements of the Assembly are the duties of the unit.
Any other planning related programmes and activities of the Assembly are the responsibility of the unit including any special assignment that might be given.