TheKumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) has inaugurated the Subin Sub DistrictCouncil and Town Councils in an event at the Clogsag Hall in Kumasi On Monday14th September, 2020.
Theevent was also used to elect chairpersons for the Sub- Metro District and TownCouncils respectively.
Inhis inaugural address, the Metropolitan Coordinating Director, Mr. KwadwoAkuamoah Boateng who stood in for the Kumasi Mayor, Hon. Osei Assibey Antwisaid the inauguration and subsequent election of the chairpersons werenecessary to complete the Metropolitan structure.
Hesaid the Town Councils was an important structure in the Local GovernmentStructure which enables the grassroot to be involved in all aspect of decisionmaking especially when it comes to the bottom-up approach.
Mr.Akuamoah Boateng called for a close collaboration and unity between thehonorable members to work conscientiously to augment government’s efforts.
Sub-Metro Chairperson Election
Hon.Yaw Yeboah, Assembly member for Baamu Dominase and Hon. Osei Hyiaman Francis, agovernment appointee, stood for the election of the Subin Sub- MetropolitanDistrict Council chairperson position.
Afterthe total vote cast of 20 in thefirst round., Hon. Yaw Yeboah garnered 11votes against Hon. Osei Hyiaman’s 9votes to win the Sub –Metro Chairperson position.
Town CouncilChairperson Election
Allfour (4) members who stood for the town council chairperson position wentunopposed and were therefore acclaimed as winners.
Hon.Daniel Otuo Acheampong of Afful Nkwanta electoral area, Hon. Ofori ErnestBaffour, Hon George Opoku and Hon. Patrick Yeboah won the chairperson’sposition for Amakom, Asem, Asafo and Adum Town Councils respectively.
Thewinners were subsequently sworn in by Her Worship Patricia Quansah, a HighCourt Judge.
Presentat the inauguration was Hon. Eugene Boakye Antwi, MP for Subin Constituency andDeputy Minister for Works and Housing.